

Solutions platform at the intersection of sustainable tourism, storytelling, and social impact.

Rooted's mission is to responsibly document, support, celebrate, and share sustainable travel-related initiatives that prioritize local communities and the planet – and to help others do the same.

Rooted: A storytelling platform at the intersection of sustainable travel, environmental conservation, and community-based advocacy efforts


In the buffer zone of Chitwan National Park, local residents who used to kill wildlife that strayed onto farmland now keep poachers at bay.


In Miravalle Territorial Area for Training and Reincorporation, ex-FARC guerillas laid down rifles for
rafting paddles and established a tourism business to sustain their village.


In Ladakh, a trekking company has electrified more than 100 remote villages, providing work for women and discouraging youth from migrating to urban areas.

Around the world, people have found creative ways of responding to some of the world’s most pressing issues.

It’s time we hear their stories.

Rooted is a resource and source of inspiration for new and seasoned professionals eager to approach the travel industry from a solutions-oriented and community-focused perspective. It provides ideas and insight for aligning tourism-related work with the UN's sustainable development goals.

Rooted is created and curated by JoAnna Haugen, a global citizen with decades of industry, international living, and traveling experience. Her goal is to help tourism professionals decolonize travel and support sustainable development using strategic storytelling.

For Travel Experience Service Providers & Destinations

Support communities' holistic wellbeing and sustainable development goals by helping passive travelers become active global citizens using ethical storytelling and sustainable tourism communications strategies.

For Travel Media and Content Creators

Unlock the potential of your critical role and use your influence for responsible storytelling in travel and tourism.

For Travelers

Approach your travels with intention, a sense of curiosity, and an open mind -- then share your travel stories with intention. This results in a positive social impact and demand for more responsible tourism.

Resource Hub

Access Rooted’s rich well of internal and external resources in one spot. This carefully curated space ensures you can easily find the very best, most comprehensive information related to storytelling in tourism, responsible travel marketing practices, social impact, sustainability, and rethinking tourism – regardless of your role in the travel and tourism industry.

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JoAnna Haugen, Founder of Rooted Storytelling

JoAnna Haugen - Founder

SPEAKER · CONSULTANT · WRITER · Solutions Advocate

Join me on a journey of empowerment and amplification with Rooted, where local people plant the seeds and storytelling helps them grow.

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  • Latest Rooted articles and favorites from the archives.
  • Creative solutions addressing tourism's challenges.
  • Actionable storytelling and sustainable travel tips.
  • First-to-know details on learning opportunities.
  • Updates and discounts on relevant products, services, and resources.
  • Opportunities for highlighting your stories.