Hi, I'm JoAnna Haugen
I am a solutions-oriented consultant, speaker, and writer working at the intersection of sustainable tourism, storytelling, and social impact.
I am also the founder of Rooted.

Let’s Work Together
Customized Consultations
From developing content strategy for a timeshare company to running conference sessions on pitching travel media, I have spent my entire career working in travel-related marketing and communications capacities. With this wealth of experience in my wheelhouse, I provide a suite of consulting services for ethically focused organizations committed to decolonizing travel experiences and supporting sustainability.
Speaking Engagements
Whether speaking to audiences from the stage, in workshop settings, or through virtual conferences, I challenge audiences to think deeply and ask questions. I have given keynote presentations, led numerous conference sessions, participated in panel discussions, and held workshops in professional and academic settings. I also offer expertise as a guest on podcasts and radio shows.
Tailored Training
In tourism, communication choices impact everything from how on-the-ground partnerships are developed to the stories travelers share with other people when they return home. Don’t leave these important decisions up to chance. I work with a wide range of tourism businesses to build customized training programs specifically addressing marketing and communications pain points and opportunities.
More About Me
Creativity Connoisseur
The world is ripe for radical disruption, and I am here for it. To me, challenges aren’t roadblocks but rather opportunities to tap into creativity. I don’t ask “why?” Instead, I want to know “why not?”
Worldly Wanderer
I am a curiosity seeker, international election, and intrepid traveler. Though I am currently living as an American expatriate in Carthage, Tunisia, my journey to this point started on a matatu stuck in the mud during monsoon season in rural Kenya.
Solutions Storyteller
For more than 15 years, I have collaborated with publications, development organizations, and international brands to amplify change makers, innovative projects, and underreported stories in an increasingly noisy world.