Storytelling is innate, natural, heart-centered, and free, making it the ideal tool for the tourism industry to use to connect with travelers.
To adopt a regenerative model, the tourism industry needs to help travelers maximize their positive impact on the environment and wildlife.
Service providers put a lot of effort into developing the best trips. Thinking about storytelling in a few areas can make them even better.
The tourism industry must address the toll flying has on the environment. Now … how will it move forward in a proactive way?
Rushing the tourism industry to recovery centers travelers while reinforcing the oppressive foundation it hopes to escape.
Despite stated intentions to tell accurate stories, some travel companies and destinations still lean into inappropriate narratives.
A recent initiative tying tourism and conservation shows the power of creative thinking when it comes to building a better tourism model.
We use terminology like “impact” and “footprint” in a way that frames our existence as harmful by default. That narrative needs to change.
Travel and tourism industry professionals are stronger when working together rather than operating in a silo.