Intentional and mindful storytelling and communications can create positive ripple effects long after a traveler returns home.
The tourism industry took a beating in 2020, but it wasn’t all bad. Catch up on the year’s brilliant ideas, solutions, and thought pieces.
Tourism needs to address and lean into solutions that address water scarcity, water usage, and rising sea levels.
Stop using these common travel writing words, which reinforce stereotypes, encourage bad behavior, and cause environmental and social destruction.
Common tourism myths focus on travelers and the travel experience to the detriment of local people and the destinations they call home.
Voluntourism can do more harm than good. But done right, volunteer work done by travelers can empower locals for long-term success.
Embracing optimism, hope, and a sense of self-efficacy are essential for tourism to be built on a solutions-centered foundation.
Tourism often endorses a sanitized narrative. To realize a sustainable future, the industry needs to support and amplify diverse storytellers.
For regenerative tourism to truly have a positive impact, it must be only one tool in a destination’s sustainable development toolkit.