Logistical adjustments in the tourism industry will only go so far. For real innovation, the industry requires a fresh mindset.
Concerns about how the tourism industry will be impacted by the war in Ukraine fail to recognize the holistic nature of our global ecosystem.
When travelers have frictionless pathways for acting responsibly, they can take an active role in mitigating tourism’s harm.
Museums are meant to invoke curiosity and questions, so why do so many fail at compelling storytelling to draw visitors in?
Too often we dwell on problems, but when travelers learn about solutions, it creates an opportunity for meaningful action and engagement.
Asking “why” is a powerful tool in maintaining a sense of curiosity, building a company, and encouraging people to have better experiences.
Alternative tours challenge the dominant narrative and give people a chance to hear stories that are historically silenced.
Responsible storytelling is a foundational building block that can help guide ethical business operations.
Tour guides’ ability to share personal stories, build rapport, and connect travelers to the climate crisis through experiences is powerful.